Magic (Card Trick-5) ..... please join us....

Card Trick 5


The magician spills the deck onto the table.  He picks one of the cards up with a magic handkerchief, says a magic word and poof! the card disappears.


  • a deck of cards (or part of a deck)
  • a toothpick (or a thin popsicle stick)
  • a handkerchief that is not see-through and that has a hem
  • scissors
  • OPTIONAL:  magic puppet


Cut the toothpick so that it's the same width as one of the cards (the width is the shorter side of the card.)  Push the toothpick into the hem of the handkerchief, making sure it won't fall out.


Spread the deck of cards out on the table...  You may want to fiddle with this a bit, using a magic puppet, to draw the audience's attention to the cards and the puppet.
Place the handkerchief overtop of the cards with the toothpick hem facing down.  Don't fiddle with this part...  You don't want them to guess that the handkerchief is special.
card trick instructionsWith your thumb and index finger, pick up the handkerchief, holding onto the toothpick (Say something like, "I will now pick up a card").  This will trick the audience into thinking there is a card under the handkerchief.
Pick up the edges of the toothpick so it looks like you’re picking up a card. The red in the diagram represents the toothpick, but it will be invisible to the audience.
Say some magic words, wave a wand or wave your magic puppet over the handkerchief.
Flap it in the air, letting go of the toothpick part and just holding the corner.
Presto!  The "card" has disappeared.

Related Post:

Magic (Card Trick-1)

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