How to Create an Ad Unit in Google Adsense?

Google Adsense is undoubtedly the best Ad Networks amongst all. The trust comes with the brand name of Google. Adsense comes with a variety of Ad Units to fit to the needs of your Website. In order to show Ads on your Website or Blog, you need to first create an Ad Unit through your Adsense Account. Only after that you will be able to show that specific Ad Unit on your Website.
Ad Units in Google Adsense 
Google Adsense is quite flexible as far as Ad Units is concerned. It provides its users with 6 main Ad Shapes & Sizes :
  1. Horizontal Banner
  2. Vertical Banner
  3. Rectangular
  4. Responsive
  5. Custom Size
  6. Link Ads

Steps to Create an Ad Unit in Google Adsense

Before we proceed with the process to create an Ad Unit in Google Adsense, make sure you have a fully approved Google Adsense Account. If you do not have it, you can check our step by step process to apply for Google Adsense.

1) Login to Adsense Account

First of all you need to login to your Google Adsense account to start creating Adsense ad unit.

2) My Ads Tab

Click on My Ads tab in the Top Menu. As soon as you click on My Ads, you will be redirected to a page where you can start creating your Ad Unit.

3) Naming the Ad Unit

Name the Ad Unit as per your convenience.For Example :- If you want to create a Rectangular Ad Unit of Size 336 X 280 which is to be placed at the centre of every page of your Website, you can name it as ‘Large Rectangle Ad (Centre of the Post)’. This is how I personally do on my websites.

4) Selecting the Ad Size & Shape

Select the Ad Size you want to create. There are many options available here. You can scroll down and preview these Ad Sizes and select the one which you want to go ahead with.
You can also choose from various Ad shapes available in the drop down menu as given in the above picture.

5) Selecting the Ad Type

Select the Ad Type you want to create. Even Adsense says that Text & Display Ads selected together performs the best. Choosing Display Ads only or Text Ads only may lower your CTR (Click Through Rate).

6) Selecting/Updating Text Ad Style

Adsense will automatically display Text Ads sometimes when you select Text Ads only or Text and Display Ads. So, if you want to change the appearance of your Text Ads, you can do it here. A lot of customization options are available. Like you can change the colors of border, text, title, URL, background and even change the Font from the list of fonts available. You can also create a new ad style if you want.
You may leave the Custom Channels &Backup Ads as it is. We will cover a separate article on these two later on.

7) Saving & Getting Ad Code

Click on Save and get code to finally create the Ad Unit and get the Ad Code.
As soon as you click on Save and get code, you will get an Ad Code which you can put in your Website or Blog. For Example :- A 336 X 280 Ad Unit will have an Ad Code as illustrated in the picture below.
Somehow I feel that Responsive Ad Units and 336 X 280 Size are the best performers. However, It may vary from site to site. You may have noticed that creating an Ad Unit in Google Adsense is quite easy and it does not take more than 2 minutes. Go ahead and create your Ad Unit now !

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