How to Add Another Website in Google Adsense ?

Google Adsense definitely is the best Ad Network for Bloggers and Website Owners across the Globe. You might have already followed the process to apply for Google Adsense and must be having a fully approved Google Adsense account. Now that you have a Google Adsense Account, you might be looking to Add another Website in Adsense Account.
One good thing about Google Adsense is that when you get a fully approved account from Google Adsense, you can use the same Account to show ads on multiple websites. You just need to add the new site in Google Adsense Account. An important point to note is that, having or trying to have multiple Adsense accounts is against Google Adsense’s Terms of Service. Trying to do that may ban your Adsense Account(s) with immediate action.

How to Add a New Website in Google Adsense ?

A lot of people nowadays operate a number of websites. To facilitate the need of multiple websites, Google Adsense allows you to show ads on several websites from the same Adsense Account.
Let us know the steps to Add a new Website in Google Adsense.
1) Login to Google Adsense Account with your Email Id and Password.
2) Click on the Gear Icon  present on the top right side of your Google Adsense Account Page. (Located just after your Email Address and before the Notifications ‘Bell Sign’ )Gear Icon Adsense3) Click on the first option you see i.e.,Settings.
Settings in Google Adsense4) On the Left Sidebar, click on My Sites.
My Sites in Google Adsense
5) Click on the Blue Coloured + Sign which is located at the top right side of the page, just below Help. A new pop-up window will appear.
Add Site in Google Adsense
6) Enter the New Wesbite Name in the space provided under New Site URL.
Add New Website in Google Adsense
7) Click on Add Site to finally Add the Website in your Google Adsense Account. If you are not sure of adding the Website as of now, you can click on Cancel.
This is the complete process to add a new website to Google Adsense. You might have noticed this process to add another website in Adsense is quite easy and does not take much time....

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