Projects for Beginners in Engineering

Top 10 Breadboard Projects for Beginners in Engineering

Engineering is an application of various technologies & fields such as designing, innovating, maintaining, creating, controlling and so on. There are various streams in engineering such as electrical and electronics engineering, electronics and communication engineering, computer science engineering, information technology and so on. The projects for engineering students helps to implement their theoretical knowledge practically in developing engineering projects. The project work for EEE & ECE students may include performing electronic experiments. In this article, let us discuss about top 10 breadboard projects for engineering students.

Breadboard Projects

It is always a difficult task to perform electronic experiments, physically and economically as well. Electronic experiments comprise of soldering of components todesign electronic circuits which is not economical and also dangerous in case of fault in designing circuits. So, breadboard projects are most economical and easy to check the working of various circuits without soldering the components on the PCB. Hence, these can be called as solderless breadboard projects which can be implemented by connecting various electrical and electronics components on breadboard using connecting wires.

Simple Breadboard Projects for Engineering Students

Simple Breadboard Projects for Engineering Students
Simple Breadboard Projects for Engineering Students

Top 10 Breadboard Projects for Engineering Students can be listed as
  1. Night light sensor
  2. Overhead Water Tank Level Indicator
  3. Fire Alarm System
  4. LED Dimmer
  5. Police Siren
  6. Touch Point based Calling Bell
  7. Automatic Toilet Delay Lighting
  8. Kitchen Timer
  9. Police Lights
  10. Smart Fan

Police Siren

Police Siren Breadboard Project Circuit by
Police Siren Breadboard Project Circuit by

The device used for making a typical louder sound in order to alert and/or attract persons or vehicles is termed as a siren. Generally, siren is used by vehicles such as ambulances, police vehicles, fire vehicles and VIP’s vehicles. Not only for vehicles but siren is also used in many industries, companies, mills, and so on to alert the employees or staff regarding the duty timings.

Police Siren Breadboard Project Block Diagram by
Police Siren Breadboard Project Block Diagram by

This breadboard project is a simple and interesting circuit for generating police siren sound using two 555 timers and speaker. To generate siren with frequency around 1KHz a 8Ohm speaker is connected with 555 timers (one 555 timer is connected in astable mode and the other 555 timer is connected in monostable mode for achieving the desired frequency) as shown in the block diagram. The siren sound frequency can be adjusted using the knob in the circuit to match the police siren sound.

Kitchen Timer

Kitchen Timer Project by
Kitchen Timer Project by

Breadboard projects for engineering students are simple electronics projects in which kitchen timer is an innovative breadboard circuit. The kitchen timer device helps in perfect cooking with accurate timings for instance accurate boiling of eggs.

Kitchen Timer Project Block Diagram by
Kitchen Timer Project Block Diagram by

The kitchen timer circuit block diagram consists of two LEDs, transistor, 555 timer IC which are connected as shown in the figure. The 555 timer is connected in monostable mode used for triggering first LED which starts an adjustable time period. After completing this time period the second LED will glow. The time period can be adjusted using a preset resistor.

Police Lights

Police Lights Breadboard Project by
Police Lights Breadboard Project by

The flashing lights are also typically used by vehicles such as police jeeps, ambulances, fire vehicles, and VIP’s vehicles. The usage of flashing lights is also similar to the siren sound, i.e., for attracting and alerting the people or other vehicles. The police lights project is implemented using simple electronics circuit consisting of two LEDs of different colors.

Police Lights Breadboard Project Block Diagram by

In general, red and blue colors are used by police vehicles which are capable of solid lighting to attract or alert even from long distances. A 555 timer IC, decade counter, LEDs are used in the project. The decade counter and 555 timer switch the LEDs ON and OFF simultaneously at a high speed for very bright lighting.

Overhead Water Tank Level Indicator

Overhead Water Tank Level Indicator Project by
Overhead Water Tank Level Indicator Project by

In our day-to-day, typically we observe overflow of water from overhead tank which happens due to lack of maintenance. It is a difficult task to track water level of overhead tank. So, this overhead water tank level indicator is the perfect solution for water overflow & wastage problem, which indicates the level of water in overhead tank.

Overhead Water Tank Level Indicator Project Block Diagram by
Overhead Water Tank Level Indicator Project Block Diagram by

This breadboard project utilizes water sensors, resistors, and three NPN transistors and LEDs. The insulated copper cables acts as water sensors for analyzing the water level in the tank and the LEDs are switched ON correspondingly to indicate the water level.

Automatic Toilet Delay Lighting

Automatic Toilet Delay Lighting Project by
Automatic Toilet Delay Lighting Project by

The breadboard projects are very simple which can be used for designing electronics circuits used in our daily life. This project is designed for developing a time delay based switch for controlling any load.

Automatic Toilet Delay Lighting Project Block Diagram by
Automatic Toilet Delay Lighting Project Block Diagram by

The LED can be turned ON or OFF for a fixed duration using 555 timer IC connected in monostable mode. Thus, the LED turns ON for a few seconds (time period can be increased based on requirement using the adjustable timer) and turns OFF after predefined time duration.
There are more breadboard projects such as Touch Point based Calling Bell, Buzzer based Thermometer for Body Temperature, Discotheque Flashing Light and so on.
Are you interested to design solderless breadboard projects on your own? Do you want to implement electronics projects over breadboard, then for any technical help, please post your ideas, suggestions, comments and queries in the comments section below.
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